Task Management System

This is a system that is designed to conduct functions such as the management of tasks, ensure teamwork among employees and manages the input of multiple accounts and passwords.

Task Management System
Task Management System


This is a system that is designed to conduct functions such as the management of tasks, ensure teamwork among employees and manages the input of multiple accounts and passwords.

Advantages of task management software.

  1. Improves on teamwork.

The system helps in the enhancement of teamwork among employees since the employees are able to know who is assigned which task through the system and are therefore able to complete the assigned tasks within the given time.

  1. It is able to track the amount of time that is spent on a particular project.

The system is designed in a way that it indicates the amount of time spent on a particular task and this therefore enables the person assigned the task to know the pace at which he is working at and whether to improve on the speed.

  1. Enhances the productivity of an organization.

Employees of an organization are able to spend less time on a task since they are able to know from the system who is assigned which task and therefore do not have to spend more time finding which task they are supposed to perform.

  1. Easy accessibility from anywhere.

The task management applications store data of employees in a well-defined database and the employees with the help of the system can be able to access their tasks from anywhere outside their work place such as at home to perform their duties.

  1. The system prioritizes tasks.

All the important tasks are first prioritized by the system and this enables an employee to first complete the important tasks and then proceed to the other tasks which are not urgently required.

  1. Management of tasks is made from one location.

All tasks that are assigned to an employee are stored in a single location and can therefore be retrieved with ease when reference is needed.

For These and many other of a kindly...


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Email –geeksourcecodes@gmail.com
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The author would like to donate all of his source code for the purpose of helping other programmer learn advance programming. This source code is the foundation of the author that helps him with his living. He started working as programmer since 2005 right after he graduated from his college.He struggle for finding customer in the first few years. Now he wants to share all of this source code in the hope that somebody will benefit from it.If you want to support the author in his mission to help other programmers to meet their goal, please make a contribution. Any amount is appreciated.

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