how to maintain data integrity
Data integrity is the process of ensuring that data is only accessed and that modification of the data can only be conducted by authorized personnel.

Data integrity is the process of ensuring that data is only accessed and that modification of the data can only be conducted by authorized personnel. Unauthorized personnel should be denied access to data and should be unable to change the data present since they are not authorized to do so. Integrity of data can be maintained by the following ways:
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1. Ensuring that user data is always backed up. An organization should mobilize and educate its employees to back up their data frequently as a preventive measure to prevent data loss which may happen if the organization’s data is hacked.
2. An organization or its employees should eliminate data that occurs in duplicate form. Duplicated data is more prone to hacking or access by unauthorized personnel and hence should be gotten rid of.
3. Systems should be designed with input validation as a way of enhancing data integrity. Validation input ensures that people whose input validation details do not match those in the system are denied access to data.
4. Organizations should implement the creation of an audit trail. An audit trail is used to monitor and track the flow of data and detect any suspicious activities that may occur to the data.
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5. Data experts can help an organization in the identification of the vulnerabilities in security and come up with ways to eliminate them. This method is used as a preventive measure to prevent data breach.
6. Institutions handling data should implement access control systems. The access control systems are designed such that unauthorized personnel to data cannot be able to have access. The access control systems limit the number of people who can be able to access data and therefore this measure promotes data integrity since the less number of people are allowed to access data the more secure it is.
7. Software that detect errors in data should be implemented. The system will monitor data and will be able to detect any malicious activities taking place.
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