Traffic Management System
The system uses video analytics to stream and record videos of all major roads and hence the video footage can be used for reference in case any situation arises.

This is a system developed with the aim of reducing congestion of traffic and also to prevent accidents.
Advantages of a traffic management system.
- Ensures transparency.
The system uses video analytics to stream and record videos of all major roads and hence the video footage can be used for reference in case any situation arises.
- Relevant authorities are able to respond quickly.
The system is designed in such a way that it sends information to relevant authority immediately a situation arises.
- It provides live public transport updates.
Individuals or passengers travelling can be able to view and know when the next bus will arrive by the use of GPS services installed in the means of transport.
- Offers re-routing services.
The system is able to prevent traffic jam in a certain road or highway by directing drivers to use another route leading to the same destination as a means of avoiding traffic.
- Enhances safety.
The system is able to detect and prevent congestion and accidents on the roads.
- Provides evidence in case there is violation of the law or if an accidents occur.
It consists of video footage that is stored and can therefore be used for reference in case of violation of law or if an accident occurs.
For These and many other of a kindly...
For more information about the system. You can contact me @
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Mobile No. – +254714643906
Or feel free to Donate to Us $2.00 ; $5.00; $10.00; or any other amount that you are blessed to Have.
The author would like to donate all of his source code for the purpose of helping other programmer learn advance programming. This source code is the foundation of the author that helps him with his living. He started working as programmer since 2005 right after he graduated from his college.He struggle for finding customer in the first few years. Now he wants to share all of this source code in the hope that somebody will benefit from it.If you want to support the author in his mission to help other programmers to meet their goal, please make a contribution. Any amount is appreciated.
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