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0 8568
Airlines Is Easy to use Flight Ticket Reservation Management software Developed...
1 4399
The review of products provides a platform for customers to give their reviews of...
0 4856
This are Softwares that are used to automate and manage lifestyle of customers in...
0 5113
This is the process by which products are bought or sold through online process...
0 8475
An accounting management system is a software or a mobile application designed to...
0 3145
The main goal of this online ordering system is to improve customer convenience....
0 3457
The term breach of data security refers to the process by which data or information...
0 4957
The Online Enrolment with Billing System is a computerized system wherein a student...
0 3040
This is the publication of books that is done through the internet. Easily accessible...
0 4060
Due to evolvement of how processes are carried out in various industries we have...
Total Vote: 76