Types of cyber-crime.
Occurs when a cyber-criminals impersonate person else identity to practice malfunction. This is usually done by accessing personal details of person else.

Identity theft
Occurs when a cyber-criminals impersonate person else identity to practice malfunction. This is usually done by accessing personal details of person else. The details used in such crimes include security number, date of birth, credit and debit card number and also passport number.
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Once information has been acquired by the cyber-criminals, it can be used to make purchases online while impersonating himself to be someone else.Other ways that cyber-criminals use to obtain such personal details is phishing. Phishing involves creating a website which resembles legit website.Other phishing techniques involve creating fake Wi-Fi hotspots that look like legitimate one. This is common in public places such as restaurants. If an user logons into the network, then cyber-criminals trys to gain access to sensitive information such as usernames, passwords.
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Copyright infringement
Is one of the bigger problem with digital products. Websites such as the pirate bay is used to distribute copyrighted materials such as audio, video, software, etc. Copyright infringement refers to unauthorized use of copyrighted material.
Fast internet access, reduced costs of storage have also contributed to the growth of copyright infringement crimes.
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Hacking is used to by-pass security control in the system to gain unauthorized access to a system. Once the attacker has gained access to the system, they can do whatever they want with your system.
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