Types of computer viruses
Computer virus refers to a malicious software that reproduces itself and replicates to a computer system and start to affect how computer system works.

Computer virus refers to a malicious software that reproduces itself and replicates to a computer system and start to affect how computer system works. Virus manipulates how computer works without consent and permission of the owner. Purpose of virus is to gain access to admin passwords, access sensitive data or gain access to senstive e-mails. Viruses are created with intentions of destroying the purpose and goals of the computer system.
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Below are some examples of computer viruses used by hackers to gain unauthorised access to user's contents;
1.0 resident virus, refers to resident virus that stays in computer RAM and it affects how computer works. Common examples include randex and Meve
2.0 Direct action virus, main function of these virus is to replicate and affect files, though they don't affect computer speed and also they don't delete files.
3.0 Browser hijacker this type of virus basicaly affects computer browser in which it interferes with how user is browsing with the machine.
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4.0 overwrite virus, it basically overwrites content hence affecting the original content.
5.0 Boot sector virus, mostly they affect floppy disk and always come in existence in the floppy disk. some examples of floppy disk include polyboot.
6.0 Macro virus, it target softwares and applications that are contain macros. Examples of macro virus are bablas.
7.0 Encrypted virus this type of virus contain encrypted malicious codes that are hard to detect and they badly affect computer performance.
8.0 companion virus, they only occur when they are accompanied by a file, for them to run firts you need to open the file and badly affect computer performance.
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4 - #UnionCity officials say #Police & #Fire handled by #Fremont, so those services not impacted.
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Due to #computervirus late fees/penalities will be waived, and #deadlines extended.#Hacker #BayArea #SiliconValley #tech #cyberattacks#cyberthreatshttps://t.co/s71lR81hoH
For the next couple of weeks, I will share some #digitalmedia slides that were created to help regularly educate students on #21stcenturyskills and #digitalcitizenship @mrwaller15 #deliainnovates @delia6c #computervirus pic.twitter.com/OJlZccCxII
— John Hendrickse (@HendrickseEDU) November 6, 2019
How to know if your Computer is Infected with a Virus and Remove it – TechErrorz#virus #computervirus #antivirus #software #howto #whatis #techerrorz https://t.co/kPEcZ9qXve via @TechErrorz
— TechErrorz (@ErrorzTech) December 11, 2019
Computer Virus - What Is #ComputerVirus ? #FrizeMedia https://t.co/e8WzTS3DI0 @Charlesfrize @Ageless_2u @Frizemedia @myfoodfantasy69 @DynamicFrize #Onlineadvertising #DigitalMarketing #DigitalMarketingServices #OnlineMarketing #SEO
— Charles Friedo Frize (@Charlesfrize) December 15, 2019
#Fact: Approximately 70% of virus writers are said to work under contract for organized crime syndicates. Protect yourself with #RYANConsultingGroup. #ComputerVirus #Hacking pic.twitter.com/4S0StrOOni
— RYAN Consulting Group (@RYANConsulting1) December 13, 2019
Hello, please find the unroll here: Thread by @AlexJohnLondon: 1. #disinformation is like a computer virus for humans. A #computervirus is a set of… https://t.co/YspQQkfPda. Enjoy :) ????
— Thread Reader App (@threadreaderapp) December 13, 2019
Computervirus: Klinikum Fürth offline und mit eingeschränktem Betrieb - https://t.co/kzjxgknjcL #itsicherheit #ITsecurity #computervirus #malware
— DURY Compliance & Consulting GmbH ???????? (@durycc) December 17, 2019
The first #computervirus was created in 1986 & the nature of #cybercrime and cyber threats has changed dramatically since then.
— SysGroup (@SysGroupPLC) December 12, 2019
Our partner @kasperskyuk created this free eBook "Navigating the Threat Landscape" to help you prepare for threats online: https://t.co/vObabFkMNO pic.twitter.com/HYFa9h0XDi