Online Hotel Reservation System.
This Online Hotel Reservation System is an automated system that allows your guest to plan their bookings online at their convenience.

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This Online Hotel Reservation System is an automated system that allows your guest to plan their bookings online at their convenience.
This system has collected majority what hotel has needs to work and to manage the owner the activity inside in the hotel in it’s position whether it’s financial section, the room management and the reporting system to know work flow of the job.
With the help of this system, you can manage well your business that can increase both your efficiency within the office and your profit. Now, your bookings are easily accessible anytime and anywhere as long as you have an internet connection and a laptop, smartphone or tablet because it has a very responsive design. Compared to a manual process that may take you a lot of time to book, this process of online booking a room made simple, easy and enjoyable because it provides a friendly user interface.
These are the following features of the system
Admin Side
- Manage Rooms
- Manage Accommodation
- Manage Reservation
- Generate Reports
- Manage Users
- Cool and Simplified Admin Dashboard
- Guest Registration
- Guest Bookin and Checkin Room
- Invoice Payment for Customers if they are not full paid the Bill
- Daily Expense Management and displaying each day expense on the Dashboard Graph
- Knowing the Available Rooms in your Hotel
- User Login and Permission Management if you allow multi User on this application
- Backup Database Daily or Weekly or Monthly depending on what your decission is it
- Getting Number of Customers who are check in your hotel
- Reporting System such as Expense, income and Profit and Lose for
- This Month
- Last Month
- 3 Months
- Current Year
- Last Year
- Asset Counting and Staff Registration
- And so other many Features inside the application
Public Side
- Home
- Room and Rates
- About Us
- Contact Us
- Guest Profile
- Manage Booking Cart
- Reservation Details
- Submit Reservation
- Login and Logout
Accessing this system using the admin accounts:
- Username:admin
- Password: admin
Download and install the following:
XAMPP Latest Version
For more information about the system. You can contact me @
Email –
Mobile No. – +254714643906
Or feel free to comment below.
Note: Source Code is only available for educational purpose, plz don’t use it for commercial purpose without the permission of the original author.