Ultimate Dynamic Employees or Students Register

This attendance register is so simple and dynamic it can be a good fit to any project looking to record attendance, what it does is that it displays all the days of that particular month and employees or students and you just have to check or tick the day corresponding to the student or applicant when finish you just have to hit save that’s all if we are in December it will display all the days in December if you’re in January it will automatically switch to January etc. that’s y it is so good and I have decided to share so that you can make your system awesome and save time developing or searching for registers.
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After doing a research of web systems to see how developers implement a register to their systems whether for a school project or company system to track students or employees availability. I noticed one thing in common most systems they display employees or students and clicking one at a time to record attendance which is so tiresome imagine if you have 300 students or 50 employees and because of that the system might face user resistance hence I decided to develop my own attendance register to simplify things.
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This system makes it easy to check and track human resources department at the press of a button. It makes the system easy to monitor and manage employees from different location. This system helps in supervising employees work report and productivity. Our employee management system includes a task assigning to specific employee.These all features help at the time of employee appraisals.
How to try the project.
- Download the source code
- Extract and paste in your htdocs or www of your server location
- Run the project
- Login details are email is admin@gmail.com password is 1234554321
- Thank me later Peace!!!!
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For more information about the system. You can contact me @
Email –geeksourcecodes@gmail.com
Mobile No. – +254714643906
Or feel free to comment below.
Note: Source Code is only available for educational purpose, plz don’t use it for commercial purpose without the permission of the original author.