Web-Based School Management System (Yii Framework)
Fully manageable solution and gain access to change data to information on time. Take decisions anytime by analytics.

# Introduction #
Fully manageable solution and gain access to change data to information on time. Take decisions anytime by analytics. Special opportunity to make a friendly platform in a dashboard for everyone who is related to your institutions. Where is the best school management system.
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It has a designated of selective cores specifically fitted to the requirements of school campus. it is designed considering range of managing multi-functions within entire school campus. With the use of , employee can be more accountable as it helps to know the track performance of each department
quickly. Almost all departments within school campus (e. g. admission,
administration, bank finance etc) can be optimized and granted.
it fully supports to assign the responsibilities to employee and can reduce time and can enhance more the
administrative systems. Core functions like admissions, library management, document management, students activity in short entire range of campus functions can be well performed
- Optimized Performance
- One click update system
- Clean Code quality
- Installation wizard
- Multi Lingual
- Full Responsive
- E-mail notification with templates
- Supports SMS notification
- Printable Reports
- Powerful permission editor
- Flexible fee structure
- Details students & stuff Profile
- Student attended
- Unmatched transport module
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# System Requirements #
* A web server that can execute PHP
* A password-protected MySQL database server connection, and a database on which the user of the connection has full permissions rights (i.e. SELECT, DROP, CREATE and UPDATE)
* PHP 5.3 or later
* PHP must be run as the same system user that owns the directory where ECIT will be installed.
# Installation #
"Note: Visit Yii Framework 2.0 how to install on your local machine"
1. Upload system to the web directory of your choice.
2. Create a new MySQL database name for system to use.
3. Browse to the ECIT folder and you will be redirected to the installation process.
4. Fill out the form, click install, and that's it!
5. You are now ready to use ECIT.
# Poked Issues #
- The .htaccess file may cause issues on some servers. If you get a 500 Internal Server Error when you try to load the installer,
- On Windows Server WAMP / XAMPP need to rewrite apache serveice : click on the WAMP/XAMPP icon and goto apache --> Apache Modules --> rewrite_modle make sure this rewrite_module is chacked.
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For more information about the system. You can contact me @
Email –geeksourcecodes@gmail.com
Mobile No. – +254714643906
Or feel free to comment below.
Note: Source Code is only available for educational purpose, plz don’t use it for commercial purpose without the permission of the original author.