Best file sharing services
File sharing to process of distributing access of digital media this include books, video, audio and also documents.

File sharing to process of distributing access of digital media this include books, video, audio and also documents. There are many online file sharing softwares and platforms available in the markets and they vary from functionality to functionality. Most file sharing services offer free accounts options and also drag and drop features. Also some act as storage options for the entire organization while others purely secures files as they are transferred from one point to another.
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Below are best example of file sharing services;
1.0 Google drive, Many people across the globe are always familiar with the google drive since they have utilised the free 15 gb to store and back- up there files. Data can be edited, downloaded and also be collaborated.
2.0 Onehub, Brands which heavly rely on this service include dell, starbucks and many more others. Allows easy file sharing, organising and also collaborating. It offers best data encryption for data on transit.
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3.0 Microsoft onedrive, it is one of popular data sharing technique in which most people are using without there consent wether there using it. For the organisations, onedrive for the business is managed by cloud storage. Your files can be shared either on your premise.
4.0 eFilecabinet, it allows customized workflow automation and also document approvals. It integrates with business softwares such as salesforce and name a few.
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5.0 Dropbox business, it is familiar to many since it is first file sharing in the history. Alllows memebers to create and manage memeber lists.
6.0 Wire, basically it has majored in data sharing techniques rather than data storage.
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