Waterfall Model
About Waterfall Model

This model was the first to be used in SDLC to develop softwares. Therefore being the first model that was introduced. These model consists of phases which must be completed before the next one takes place and follow a sequence.
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Phases of waterfall model
1. Requirement analysis.
Specifications of the system to be developed are stated in this phase. That is including the objectives of the system and it's functionalities.
2. System design
After requirement analysis,the system developer designs and comes up with the project as per the requirement analysis phase. This phase deals with the architecture of the actual system.
3. Implementation
At this stage, the system is developed in parts or in terms of functionalities . Each of the functionality of the system is used to develop the entire system.
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4.Integration and testing.
All the implemented functionalities of the system are tested to check whether they work or meet the requirements and are thereafter integrated.
5. Deployment.
After testing and ensuring the system meets all its requirements and performs it's functions, it is now taken to the customer environment to serve the customers or deliver its functionalities to customers.
6. Maintenance.
Once the system has been deployed to customer environment,some issues such as an update of a certain functionality of the system may occur, which may need the system to be upgraded. Such issues that occur once deployment is done are in the maintenance phase.
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This model was the first to be used in SDLC to develop softwares. Therefore being the first model that was introduced. These model consists of phases which must be completed before the next one takes place and follow a sequence.
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Phases of waterfall model
1. Requirement analysis.
Specifications of the system to be developed are stated in this phase. That is including the objectives of the system and it's functionalities.
2. System design
After requirement analysis,the system developer designs and comes up with the project as per the requirement analysis phase. This phase deals with the architecture of the actual system.
3. Implementation
At this stage, the system is developed in parts or in terms of functionalities . Each of the functionality of the system is used to develop the entire system.
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4.Integration and testing.
All the implemented functionalities of the system are tested to check whether they work or meet the requirements and are thereafter integrated.
5. Deployment.
After testing and ensuring the system meets all its requirements and performs it's functions, it is now taken to the customer environment to serve the customers or deliver its functionalities to customers.
6. Maintenance.
Once the system has been deployed to customer environment,some issues such as an update of a certain functionality of the system may occur, which may need the system to be upgraded. Such issues that occur once deployment is done are in the maintenance phase.