Biometrics authentication
The aim of Biometrics is to protect individuals and organizations from intrusion by unauthorized personnel.

This is a security measure which involves the identification of a person's biological characteristics which are unique so as to verify who the person is.
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The aim of Biometrics is to protect individuals and organizations from intrusion by unauthorized personnel.
Types of Biometrics.
There are two classifications of biometrics which can either be Behavioral or Physiological Biometrics.
1. Behavioral Biometrics.
a. Signature recognition.
Electronic signature detection systems have been implemented in many organizations and institutions for example in Banks to enable secure transactions. This helps in identifying account owners before transactions take place as a means of enhancing accounts security.
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b. Keystroke Dynamics
This type of biometrics measures the typing pattern of an individual for security reasons. Systems developed to use keystroke Dynamics detect any small change in the typing pattern of a user to reduce invasion by Intruders.
c. Voice recognition
Systems developed for voice recognition purposes record users voice patterns, pitch and hence minimize security issues through voice such as suspected fraudulent activities through phone call.
Physiological Biometrics
Physical characteristics of individuals such as eyes, ears and fingerprints are used in these type of biometrics.
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a. Fingerprint verification
Each individual has a unique fingerprint pattern that does not match that of any other person and hence nowadays many systems or gadgets that are being developed are using this type of biometrics. Technology has evolved and such biometrics is used to unlock phones nowadays such that one has to first identity using fingerprint to gain access to phone data or to unlock phone. This type of biometrics is convenient since it minimizes access of data in gadgets or systems by Intruders.
b. Retina recognition.
It records the retina pattern of each individual and hence provides security to access of users data in areas where the retina recognition system is installed. Banks and other financial institutions use this system for authentication of users before they are granted access to data or information.
c. Face recognition.
Most of these systems use cameras to detect faces of users mostly in gadgets before they are granted access to data so as to enhance security.
d. Ear authentication .
Human ear canal is considered unique for all individuals and hence systems are developed to use these type of biometrics to distinguish people.
e. D.N.A matching.
Forensic techniques have enabled the use of this type of biometrics to differentiate people. It uses individuals saliva, hair or blood for forensic test in the lab and the results therefore differentiate people.
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Biometrische beveiligingssystemene worden een steeds belangrijker element voor meerledige verificatie. Lees in onze blog wat de 7 belangrijkste voordelen zijn biometrie in cyberbeveiliging: #biometrics #multifactorauthentication
— GlobalSign NL (@GlobalSign_NL) December 18, 2019
Get ready for your luggage to outsmart you! #TechNews @FingerprintCard @KABUTO_Luggage #biometrics #MobileBiometrics #FingerprintBiometrics #FingerprintRecognition #SmartLuggage #BiometricAuthentication
— FindBiometrics (@FindBiometrics) December 18, 2019
Intended to bring #BiometricAuthentication to a range of different devices and applications, #MantraSoftech releases new fingerprint sensor. #biometrics #FingerprintRecognition #FingerprintBiometrics #India
— FindBiometrics (@FindBiometrics) December 18, 2019
See how to securely store #biometric data for citizens, consumers or employees, and how local and centralized #storage are managed:
— Gemalto (@Gemalto) December 18, 2019
Remember when you used a PIN code to unlock your phone dozens of times per day? ???? What if you could also forget your credit card PIN? #Biometrics will change #payments like never before.
— IDEMIA (@IdemiaGroup) December 17, 2019
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#FacialRecognition at school entries - yay or nay? ????#CyberSecurity #AI #MachineLearning #BioMetrics #EmergingTech
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HT @adamsconsulting via @MikeQuindazzi
Got biometrics data? If you're looking to test your ID verification software, now you do. Use the three new sets of NIST research data – fingerprints, facial photos and iris scans, all stripped of personally identifying information: #Biometrics
— NIST (@NIST) December 12, 2019