Traditional file system
It included the use of physical files to store data and records. Organizations data or information was stored in these files which were later taken to a central place for storage.

It included the use of physical files to store data and records. Organizations data or information was stored in these files which were later taken to a central place for storage.
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Advantages of traditional file system.
1. Does not require a database expert or specialist.
2. The file system is easy to use.
3. It is cheap to implement these system into an organization.
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Disadvantages of traditional file system.
1. Data redundancy.
Data of the same type could be stored more than once and go unnoticed.
2. This system of storing data is less secure.
One could easily access the files without much struggle since the files are not that secure and manipulate the data or information in the files.
3. Hard to retrieve data.
When one needs to refer to certain data in the files, one could have a hard time locating where the data was in the file which could also consume a lot of time before it is retrieved.
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4. Time consuming since data has to be keyed in manually.
5. The traditional file system requires labour.
It requires workers who will be entering the data manually and others who will be involved in the storage of the files in a systematic or orderly manner.
6. Inconsistency of data.
Data in the files could be stored in a manner by which it does not flow systematically. Related data could be stored in separate files and therefore be had to find in times of reference.
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