Essential factors to consider while developing a website
Web development is not an easy task as many of people are forced to believe. It should be soo unique such that it will attract many users to interact with your brand.

Web development is not an easy task as many of people are forced to believe. It should be soo unique such that it will attract many users to interact with your brand. That's why the programmer should design a user-friendly website than just coding integrity. Due to rampant growth of technology the programmer should always be exposed to trending programming languages and codes so as to keep its game up.Their crucial factors that should be considered while designing a website these include.
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1.0 purpose and target audience, the function, purpose,apperance and also navigation of the website should be aligned to the need and targets of the user,with that plannning should be in the mind of the designer so that he/she come up with good product that satisify user needs.
2.0 Usability, user friendly website interface will enable you retain users into your site since users may have little concern about html,the designer need to simplify the simplicity so that user can access the site even if they have little know how. The site should be so well organised so as to enable user nagivate across the website. It should be so well appearing such that it motivate the user access the site.
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3.0 Aesthetics, refers to colour scheme that attract the user, the scheme should be so appealing in a way it attract eyes of the user. The degner shouln't choose unpleasant background.
4.0 Speed and functionality, the speed of your website should be so fast, it should not take centuries to load otherwise the user will go to other sites that are faster and efficient.
5.0 Brand constistency, when we talk about brand it simply means logo,the name and also visual element. the designer should always keep the brand so constistency since success of your business depends on portfolio and also logos.
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— Eugene Choi (maru) (@programaru) 7 January 2020
UI is functional, though I’m not so sure about the aesthetics of the navbar ???? Regardless, proud of how far I actually came with this project, even if the css is probs a bit of a mess compared to more experienced devs’! #100DaysOfCode #webdevelopment
Historically, web development used to be broken down into two camps: front-end development and back-end development. In the modern world of web development, those clear-cut lines have come down and have been replaced with the concept of full-stack development. #webdevelopment
— Oak Marketing (@oakmarketingga) 6 January 2020
Huge shout out to @NoahFCampbell for hosting today’s workshop at @UofW_EPICentre on #websites
— Sydney Thompson (@msydtho) January 8, 2020
Noah is a full time @uwin_compsci student, @DSC_UWindsor student lead, co-organizer of @WinHacksCA and MANY more....
He makes @UWindsor proud!!! ????