Types of e-commerce models and their advantages
Refers to commerce over the internet, the name is self explanatory since buyers and sellers engage over the internet.

Refers to commerce over the internet, the name is self explanatory since buyers and sellers engage over the internet. Also involves transfer of financial transcations. Below are some example of e-commerce models.
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1.0 business to business model, here involves companies doing business transcations to each other, final customers are not involved in business to business transcations.
2.0 business to consumers, here companies directly sell their products to costumers, customers will visit the website and check prices, quality etc.
3.0 consumers to consumers, consumers directly contact each other no company is directly involved. Goods which are traded include bikes,electronics e.t.c
4.0 consumers to business, some consumers directly provide services to the company like goods and others services. Like IT personnel who may provide softwares to the company.
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1.0 e-commerce provide consumer with global reach since he/she doesn't require to travel across the globe, just a click at the website and products are delivered
2.0 shopping along the e-commerce is slightly cheaper since it eliminates all fixed costs like transportation. This will make business enjoy margin profit.
3.0 quickly delivery, consumer doesn't need to travel to physcial shop hence this saves time and energy
4.0 It creates a network in which consumers and also business can interact without third party invovlement hence facilitating faster tranascations and also convinient feedbacks from consumers
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