Benefits of big data to the organisations
Big data can be defined as a collections of datasets that can be analysed computationally so as to reveal patterns, trends concerning human behaviour and interactions.

Any organisation can optimize use of offline and online data to be able to make good and reliable decisions. Big data can be defined as a collections of datasets that can be analysed computationally so as to reveal patterns, trends concerning human behavior and interactions.
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benefits of big data to organisations
1.0 using big data cuts your costs, company which depends on big data does not require experts to carry their on research.
2.0 using big data increases your efficiency, using digital technology boosts your business efficiency. Such tools include google maps, social media. You can do multiple tasks in the desk without need to travel.
3.0 using big data improves your pricing, big data gives you a clear picture where your business stand in the current market.
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4.0 you can compete with other businesses, it is easier for you to compete with other businesses since their using same tools that your using.
5.0 enables you to focus on local preferences, big data enables you to focus on local clients so as to identify their likes and dislikes concerning your products and services.
6.0 using big data enables you to increase sale and loyalty, digital footprints enables you to know customer preference and also their desired products. Hence this will drive you design product according to their preference.
7.0 using big data enables you to hire right employees, recruiting companies can scan best employees in candituture's resumes and also linkedin
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