gateway, advantages and disadvantages
Two or more computers are able to communicate to each other through an established connection using different protocols by a gateway.

Two or more computers are able to communicate to each other through an established connection using different protocols by a gateway.
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Advantages of the use of a gateway.
- Enhanced security.
Before users of a computer system are allowed access to a gateway, they have to go through the process of authentication in order to verify their identity. This way unauthorized access of data by intruders is avoided since the intruders know that if authentication takes place they will be held guilty of the act.
- Computer systems can share data when they are in different locations since the use of a gateway provides a point of isolation between the systems.
- Gateway ensures that there is ease of connectivity between computer systems. Computer systems that need to share data may find it difficult to successfully conduct the sharing through other processes.
- The use of a gateway enhances flexibility of network in a way that multiple computers can be connected on one gateway. The gateway can be able to interpret data coming from the computers.
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Disadvantages of a gateway.
- A gateway has a limited number of computer systems that can be connected to it.
- At times, the gateway encounters challenges when trying to conduct troubleshooting when an issue arises.
- There may arise issues concerning the delay of delivery of data to the intended user by use of the gateway.
- The gateway may at times find it difficult to translate concepts that are not similar.
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